Finally developed and collected the 4 rolls of film which I've taken over the past couple of months, dating all the way back from September till now. Honestly, I wouldn't exactly say that I'm disappointed with the results. Some rolls were horrendous, some were more than just satisfactory. But hey there's some significant improvement from my very first roll (which turned out totally...
Not the most glamourous shot of her, but I thought the lighting, framing, angle and everything else was near perfect. The straps of the wings are visible, I know. I was too lazy to photoshop it away. Credits to Trisha for this one. Monday's photoshoot - Sunbathed Skins. Photographer: Mirabelle Model: Trisha Camera: Canon EOS 600D + 50mm For something as impromptu as...
Thursday's brunch. Saturday's cakes. I love to eat/cafe hunt with people who are like me - taking a couple of minutes to snap pictures of our food from all sorts of food placements and angles (even if it means standing or having weird stances), followed by editing, before we finally devour the good stuff. But so far, most of the friends who I...